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How to Play Guitar - Lesson 7 - Free Lesson

Lesson 7 is from Doug Marks’ Complete Rock Guitar Course. Dropped D tuning is taught as an introduction to playing barre chords. This is really an introduction to intermediate guitar playing.

Lesson 7 Chapter List

00:09 Mastering bar chords

01:55 Drop D tuning - first step to master the barre

03:02 Tuning my low E string to D - drop D tuning demonstration

03:23 Play power chord with one finger

04:09 The barre technique explained (briefly)

04:32 Exercise 1, Molten Metal, played slowly (part 1)

05:02 Exercise 1, played slowly (part 2)

05:30 Exercise 1 - normal speed with on-screen tab

06:40 Be sure that each string sounds at the barre

08:07 Exercise 2, Molten Metal, played slowly in standard tuning

(part 1) Note: This exercise is optional because it's too difficult for a beginner. It's designed to show a beginner Exercise 1 in standard tuning. Some of the adjustments make this exercise difficult to play.

08:45 Exercise 2, Molten Metal, played slowly in standard tuning (part 2)

09:09 Exercise 2, Molten Metal normal speed with tab

10:09 Exercise 3 – I, IV, V progression.

10:29 Intervals explained

10:45 Major scale intervals explained

11:43 Minor is evil

12:47 Power chords are the first and fifth tones of the major scale.

13:29 Exercise 3 – I, IV, V progression explained and demonstrated

14:37 A minor and E major open chords (Closeup)

14:57 A major open chord up close and personal.

16:14 Five-string bar

17:42 Shapes in front of the five-string bar to form major, minor, minor seventh, and dominant seventh

18:03 Move the barre up and down the neck to form hundreds of chords

18:55 Exercise 3 with on-screen tab at normal speed

19:52 If you find the five-string barre chord too difficult, just allow the lower strings to sound to form power chords.

21:30 Exercise 4 - adding notes to the open D chord

21:49 Changing notes on the E string while playing the open D chord.

23:12 Exercise 4 at normal speed with on-screen tab

23:32 Make practice a habit, consistency is the key to success.