The lesson review program gives Doug Marks an opportunity to evaluate your playing technique and offer suggestions for improvement. Use your phone to record a video of your playing for evaluation. Be sure that both the picking and fretting hand can be viewed. You’re encouraged to record any questions you may have about the material that you’re playing.
Don’t just record playing that you are pleased with. It’s most helpful for Doug to evaluate exercises that you find challenging and haven’t come close to mastering.
Please make the recordings as concise as possible. If you don’t know how to edit videos on your phone, this is a skill worth knowing. Instructions can be found on YouTube.
Doug’s evaluation of your material and the response to your video will be a fifteen minute video he'll create just for you. It’s important that everything that you share is concise and to the point because you will see your video as Doug evaluates it. If the video is long and meandering it's costing valuable time that Doug can spend explaining what he sees as problem areas and the time he will have to describe what should be completed by your next lesson.